
Showing posts from July, 2014

Writing Term 2

We are learning to : write a recount We can do this when we can: include an introduction, record our idea's in order, talk about our feelings, use interesting words.   At the bottom of my writing I have drawn symbols to show something I can do well and my next learning step. I have highlighted in green something I have done well in my writing. I have highlighted in orange something I need to work on in writing.   If you click on the picture it is easier to read.    

Maths term 2

We are learning to use directions. We can do this when we can give and follow directions using the points of a compass - North, South East and West. Room 2 went outside and did a treasure hunt in pairs. One person hid the treasure. They then had to give their partner instructions to find it. E.g 2 steps north... It was a fun way to practice what we had been learning in class. Our next learning step is to identify and use other directions such as north-east, south-west etc.