
Showing posts from July, 2017

T2 writing

Mackenzi, Mackenzi is 10. Her birthday is one day before mine, which is the 12th of July, so hers is the 11th. Mackenzi's favourite food is teriyaki chicken sushi. Her favourite colour is blue because it suits her. Mackenzi's mum’s name is Michele and her dad's name is Allan. Mackenzi has 2 brothers, Brock and Nathan. Brock is 14 and Nathan is 26. By Jordyn

Parent and student goal review

Term 1 2017 Goal Review and Next Steps Name: Jordyn Parent Goal(s) Strategies I can use are: What strategies have you used to improve ? have you made progress?how do you know? Next step is To improve in writing Work at home Do writing before school Use writing menu Write poems,narratives            descriptions Write in paragraphs . Use descriptive language. Use different writing structures Improve reading. Student Goal(s) Strategies I can use are: Get better with my number knowledge Work at home Do math before school Do rain forest math Do 15 minutes of mathletics every day Got all my maths activities done when asked . Been working on times tables and basic facts . Work on 8 and 9 times.