My reading goals
IALT: develop my reading comprehension skills Recently I took an asTTle reading test. I read a number of texts and answered a range of questions to check my understanding and comprehension. The aim is to take a test at a level where I will make some errors so that I can identify what I need to work on to be a more successful reader. I have looked at the results of my test and identified 3 goals for this term. My reading goals are: [1] Consistently read to understand the meaning of a text [2] Make a conclusion or an assumption [3] Know what different words mean # 1 and 2 are about understanding the text, especially by thinking about the text more ‘deeply’. # 3 is about developing my vocabulary and being able to use the information around a difficult word to make sense of it. You can help me with [1] and [2] by asking me about the book I am reading at home; about the characters, setting, plot and resolution (fiction) Get me to explain why I believe ...